“Mama Bear Apologetics” Is a Must-Read for Christian Mothers

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Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies” is a must-read for Christian mothers, and any Christian caregiver raising children in this increasingly secular world.

Even before I had my son, I knew instilling a strong faith and building a Biblical foundation for my kids was important. But never did I think I would have to fight to defend the most basic truths and protect them from lies and absurdities on the level that we are seeing today.

This book exposes so many of the lies wrapped in half-truths. The authors discuss the hidden agendas behind some of the most popular progressive and forward-thinking movements and ideologies.

Not only does “Mama Bear Apologetics” expose these agendas, it tells us how we can recognize these deceptions and how we should respond to them. And perhaps even more importantly, how we can train our children to see through the lies being fed to them.

Culture’s lies are like weeds that want to take over the garden of our children’s minds. The lies need to be stopped, and they stop with you, Mama Bear! (17)

Apologetics is for Mamas Too

When I first started learning about apologetics, I only saw it being discussed amongst men. It seemed to be a very academic subject, and one only appropriate for the debate stage or the university classroom.

But when you research what apologetics is, it’s relevant to everyone. If you want more information on what apologetics is, you can read my post “What is Apologetics: The Art of Defending Our Faith”.

If apologetics is simply the defense of the Christian worldview, I questioned why it was so exclusive? All Christians should want to get in on this goodness.

“Mama Bear Apologetics” highlights how apologetics is relevant to mothers, or any parent really. But it focuses heavily on the Mama Bear. It discusses how important it is to “do apologetics” on the ground floor, in everyday life.

One of the features of the book that I absolutely love is the end-of-chapter discussion questions. These are questions that you can discuss with your kids at the dinner table, while watching TV, while playing outside, etc. The authors provide great practical tips on how to apply apologetics daily.

Truth is powerful, and the most potent lies are wrapped in partial truths. (53)

“Mama Bear Apologetics” Boldly Tackles the Tough Issues

One of the authors shares a story about a mother whose son, who had just graduated college and got his first job, came home to visit and declared he no longer believed in God.

A Christian mother’s worst nightmare, right?!

“He was following in the footsteps of his atheist boss, who had convinced him that ‘Jesus was just like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.’ What more could I have possibly done? she wondered.” (15)

This mother was not prepared to handle her son’s newfound objections to Faith. And so, she began searching frantically for the answers that would help her guide Him back to his roots. 

Being prepared to answer the tough questions as a mom is so important because kids often turn to their mothers when they have problems, especially of a sensitive nature. Mothers are in the “trenches” with their kids every day, tackling the struggles, the heartbreaks, the ups and downs.

And it starts with bringing Truth to our kids’ everyday lives, where Moms are experts. “Mama Bear Apologetics” shows us how to incorporate this seemingly complex practice into our everyday family life.

What Mamas Will Get from this Book

Our children will undoubtedly face some tough obstacles as they grow and navigate life. And a lot of those obstacles will get them reconsidering what mommy and daddy told them growing up.

“Mama Bear Apologetics” dives deep into the lies that secular society will present to our kids and shows us how we can both prepare our kids, and ourselves, to handle these challenges.

Some of the big topics discussed in the book are: Self-Helpism, Naturalism, Skepticism, Postmodernism, Moral Relativism, and Emotionalism. Don’t worry if you don’t know what any of these are. The authors do a phenomenal job explaining the meaning of each term and why it’s relevant to Christians.

I was pleasantly surprised with how much this book opened my eyes to things I hadn’t even considered. By reading “Mama Bear Apologetics”, you will begin to see just how deep the enemy has infiltrated our culture, hijacking reality, and disguising evil as truth.

You will learn more about the hidden agendas behind certain movements, whether the leaders or people of those movements realize it or not. The enemy is trying to steal souls by any means possible. And this book is not afraid to expose the reality behind the most seemingly innocent movements.

As mothers, we need to stay ahead of the game and be the first defense for our children. We need to guard and protect them from those that seek to captivate and indoctrinate them with lies. In the words of “Mama Bear Apologetics”, let’s ROAR like a mother bear if anyone dares come near our babies.

You have just done your kids a huge favor and taken necessary steps toward preparing them to handle everything from a college evolutionary biology class to an atheist philosophy professor to an agnostic pastor. (270)

Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

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